Friday, 7 March 2014

Recording: Day 1

I finally got round to recording part of my first YouTube video today and Oh My God it was weird.... I never thought it would be as awkward as it was talking to a camera (a rubbish one at that :( ). Seeing as though it's my first video I know it isn't going to be great, plus I've had a really sore throat for the past couple of days and I'm only just recovering so my voice sounds a bit dodgy!!

Being my first video, I decided to do a bit of an introduction to me and will be doing an introduction/very brief tour of my flat. I also decided that I'd add a little "what you can expect to see" section at the end to keep you guys hopefully coming back for more!!

I would love it if you guys would comment on it, give me advice and feedback to help me make my videos better!

It will be uploaded onto YouTube on Sunday 9th March 12:30GMT.

Hope you guys all enjoy it.

See ya!

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